Wed 4/9: Sea Cliff Village Hall 7:30pm; Wed. 4/9: SC Village Court, Village Hall 7:30 pm Wed. 4/9: SC Planning Board, Village Hall, 8 pmOld Brookville Village Court, 7 pm; Thurs 4/10: SEPTA Meeting, High School Library, 7:30 pm
Thurs. 4/10: Old Brookville Architectural Review Board, Village Hall, 7 pm.; Fri. 4/11: Sen. Carl Marcellino's "Mobile Office", SC Library, 1-4pm Mon. 4/14: SC Architectural Review Board, 8 pm
Monday, March 31 - Sunday, April 6, 2014
BOE UNANIMOUSLY SUPPORTS 1.98% BUDGET INCREASE; SPLIT VOTE ON TAX LEVY; "PROCESS" DISCUSSED April 6, 2014 -- The North Shore Board of Education voted unanimously to adopt a $95,850,328.85 spending plan for the 2014-15 school year, representing a 1.984% increase over the current year's budget. By a 5-2 margin, the Trustees decided to set the Tax Levy at 87,883,212, a 1.532% rise over this year, and about $320,000 below the state imposed tax levy limit. Trustees Toni Labbate and Sara Jones cast the dissenting votes. READ MORE
NORTH SHORE LAC URGES STATE LEGISLATORS TO PASS LOCAL CONTROL BILL TO MITIGATE IMPACT OF HIGH STAKES TESTING ![]() April 7, 2014 -- The North Shore School District Legislative Action Committee (LAC) issued letters to all 191 sitting New York State Senators and Assembly Members to express its strong objection to the manner in which State Education Commissioner John King and the New York State Board of Regents have implemented the Common Core curriculum and related grades 3-8 standardized assessments. READ MORE
LOCAL RESIDENTS TURN OUT FOR EASTER FOOD DRIVE COCKTAIL PARTY TO RAISE FUNDS FOR THOSE IN NEEDMore than 130 guests filled the American Legion Hall in Glen Head this past Saturday evening for an Easter Food Drive Cocktail Party. The event is a "pot luck" affair with each party goer offering a dish for all to share, and monetary and food donations for those in need. The South Street Band from Oyster Bay performed some great rock n' roll that filled up the dance floor, and Bill Manfredonia once again won the Chili contest.
Glen Head resident Ken Kraft started the Easter Food Drive and a Thanksgiving/Christmas Food Drive Cocktail Party in 2004 and has been organizing the events ever since. For the fall fundraiser, local merchants provide food and offer donations. "Although many communities have struggled with the tough economic times over recent years," he said, " I am both amazed and extremely pleased to see so many merchants come to our aid in this meaningful endeavor." FRIENDS OF CEDARMERE TO HOST LUNCHEON ON MAY 4 TO SUPPORT RESTORATION OF HISTORIC ROSLYN HARBOR HOME![]() The Friends of Cedarmere, a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization, will host a Spring Benefit Luncheon at 12 pm Sunday, May 4 at Sea Cliff Yacht Club. READ MORE
WITH RESPONSIBLE SPENDING PLAN IN PLACE, DISTRICT SHOULD APPLY SAME WISDOM TO REVENUE SIDE OF BUDGETReposted - April 8, 2014. Editorial originally appeared on March 23. At its April 3 meeting, the North Shore School Board voted 5-2 (Trustees Labbate and Jones dissenting) to use an increase in state aid to reduce the tax levy by an additional $200,000, rather than using the funds to slow down the depletion of reserves. The levy now is at 1.532% over last year, and $319,500 below the tax levy limit. At Thursday's meeting, Assistant Superintendent for Business, Olivia Buatsi said that the additional reduction in the levy would save the average taxpayer about 50 cents a month.
The North Shore Schools Superintendent has wisely proposed a fiscally responsible spending plan that keeps costs in check, in part as a result of needed administrative restructuring. Hopefully the district will apply the same sort of wisdom to the revenue side of the budget by resisting the temptation to make a well-intentioned but politically expedient gesture that would save taxpayers $1 per month - and instead put before voters a tax levy that is not only within the legal limit of 1.898%, but that will also prolong the district's financial health and protect both educational programs and residents' property values. READ MORE
SEN. MARCELLINO SECURES $2.4 MILLION TO OFFSET POTENTIAL TAX SHIFT FROM GWL PLANT DECOMMISSIONING; EXPLAINS PROPERTY TAX REBATE PROGRAM![]() April 7, 2014 -- Responding to questions from Northwordnews regarding the recently passed state budget, Senator Carl Marcellino (R,I,C - Oyster Bay) announced that he was able to secure a $2.4 million grant for the North Shore School District to help cushion residents from a potential tax hike resulting from the decommissioning of the Glenwood Landing Power Plant. This is in addition to the $2 million that the Senator was able to garner for the district last year, and to the $500,000 secured each of the past two years by Assemblyman Charles Lavine (D-Glen Cove). READ MORE
ASSEMBLYMAN LAVINE SECURES AN ADDITIONAL $500,000 TO OFFSET TAX SHIFT FROM POWER PLANT RAMP DOWN ![]() April 3, 2014 -- In anticipation of a potential loss in tax dollars from the decommissioning of the Glenwood Landing Power Plant, Assemblyman Charles Lavine (D-Glen Cove) secured half a million dollars in funding from the New York State Assembly for the North Shore School District in the 2014-2015 New York State budget that was adopted earlier this week. This grant is in addition to the $500,000 that the Assemblyman was able to secure for the district last spring. READ MORE
SEA CLIFF "WARMS UP" IN SPITE OF THE WET WEATHERBraving the chilly rain that washed out the musical performances on the Village Green, many from Sea Cliff and beyond turned out for the first "Warm Up in Sea Cliff." The Village Wine Merchant hosted a Wine tasting; the Artisan's Well, Dimitry, Sorella, Sea Cliff Hardware, the KD Collective, and Santosha all stayed open late; and live music warmed up the audiences at local indoor venues, with Mac Ayres and the Brady Brothers opening for RiDe at Still Partners, Meridian Jazz performing at the Metropolitan Bistro, and Andy Aledort and Mike DeMeo at the Oak Room. The performances on the Village Green are likely to be rescheduled for some time in May.
ANIMAL RESCUER TEACHES RESPECT FOR WILDLIFE AT SEA CLIFF LIBRARYDenis Fleury of the Tackapausha Rescue Center visited the Sea Cliff Children's Library this past Thursday afternoon. The Center provides interactive educational programs at schools and libraries around Nassau Country introducing children to different animal species, with the goal of promoting greater environmental awareness and scientific education. Most of the exotic animals Mr. Fleury had with him on Thursday had ended up at the center as a result of their owners no longer being able or willing to take care of them. READ MORE
9.6% OF NORTH SHORE STUDENTS OPT OUT OF GRADES 3-8 ELA ASSESSMENTApril 1, 2014 -- 127 North Shore students in grades 3-8, or 9.6% of total enrollment "opted out" of the New York State English and Language Arts Assessments that were administered on Tuesday and that will continue through Thursday. The highest percentage of student refusals was at Sea Cliff Elementary where 25 students, or 12.7% of enrollment, opted not to take the exam. At the Middle School 84 students, or 12.6% opted out. At Glen Head Elementary 14 students, or 6.4% of the population refused the exam, and four students, or 2% of enrollment in grades 3-5, did so at Glenwood Landing. The information was provided by Schools Superintendent Dr. Edward Melnick at the request of Northwordnews.
ST. LUKE'S FLAMINGOS ARE BACK![]() Have you seen the large flock of pink flamingos roosting around Sea Cliff? They are a fundraiser for St. Luke's Church. For 40 days each Spring, a group of parishioners at St. Luke's move them from lawn to lawn around town each evening. Unsuspecting "victims" wake up to a spectacle on their lawn and a personal note from the friend who ordered the flocking. Souvenir flamingos are also available for purchase.
Would you like to see these high quality plastic lawn ornaments roosting on your friend's lawn? Contact St. Luke's Flock at[email protected]. |
CLICK HERE or on the image above to connect to Northwordnews' directory of local restaurants, cafes, delis, caterers, and other eating establishments.
Easter Egg Hunt at Sea Cliff Methodist Church Sat 4/19 - Community Easter Egg Hunt, The United Methodist Church of Sea Cliff, 10 am
GLEN GARDEN CLUB SPRING LUNCHEONWed 4/23- Glen Garden Club of Glen Head Spring Luncheon, Swan Club 11 am
C'mUnityBloom: Music for Renewal at St. Lukes on April 26![]() On Saturday, April 26, the Music Program at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Sea Cliff, NY will host a special springtime event titled C’mUnityBloom: Music for Renewal. READ MORE
CAREER/INTERNSHIP FAIR AT NS HS Plans are currently under way for North Shore’s first Career/Internship Fair, and we invite local businesses and professionals to participate. The event will be held on Thursday, May 1, at 7 PM in the HS Cafeteria. READ MORE
SCBC PLANT SALE IS ONLY A MONTH AWAYSat. 5/3 - Sea Cliff Beautification Committee Annual Plant Sale
(Click image for more info) |
Sea Cliff Wed 4/9 - The Rose Gunter Ensemble
Fri 4/11 - dNa Wed 4/16 - Joe Pess Brings In Jazz Fri 4/18 - Frank Ferrara & Friends |
Sea Cliff Thurs 4/ 10 - Crosstown Blues Band
Sat 4/12 - Times 10 Thurs 4/17 - Roger Street Friedman Sat 4/19 - Chrissie O'dell |
Roger Street Friedman will be performing at Still Partners on Thursday, April 17