Mon. 2/17 - Fri. 2/21 - North Shore Schools Winter Recess Wed. 2/19 - Glen Head Glenwood Business Association Meeting, American Legion Hall, Glen Head, 7 pm. Mon. 2/24 - Sea Cliff Architectural Review Board, Village Hall, 8 pm
Tues 2/25: North Shore Board of Education Meeting, High School, first Budget Review, High School Library, 7:30 pm; NS Legislative Action Committee Meeting, 6:30 pm, NS HS Tues. 2/25: Sea Cliff Zoning Board Meeting, Village Hall, 8 pm
Monday, February 10 - Sunday, February 16, 2014
NORTH SHORE RELAY FOR LIFE KICKS OFF 2014 FUNDRAISERFebruary 17, 2014 -- With signs stating "Stand Up for Yourself and Others" and heart-shaped balloons adorning the high school cafeteria, The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of North Shore officially kicked off its Fundraising Drive for 2014 with a rally this past Wednesday evening. Speakers at Wednesday's kick-off included those who have been motivated by the experiences of friends and loved ones to take action, and cancer survivors who related their own personal experiences, and the importance of the group's efforts. READ MORE
GOLD COAST LIBRARY READING PROGRAM IS FOR THE DOGS (IN A GOOD WAY)February 16, 2013 -- This past Friday afternoon, the Gold Coast Library hosted "Read to a Dog," a program intended to promote child literacy that is administered by Bide-a-Wee, with support from volunteers certified by the organization Pet Partners. The dozens of children who have participated in the program since it came to Gold Coast this past January, have had the opportunity to sit down for fifteen minutes with a trained therapy dog and read a book of their choosing to the cooperative canine. READ MORE
FEATURED BLOGADOPT A FLAG FOR MEMORIAL DAYThe Glenwood Glen Head Business Association's Adopt-A-Flag campaign gives local residents and business owners the opportunity to sponsor the display of an American flag in the Glen Head - Glenwood Landing business district on Memorial Day and during the week preceding the federal holiday. READ MORE
NS-LIJ WILL OPERATE GLEN COVE AS A FULL SERVICE HOSPITAL; HOWEVER DEFINITION OF “FULL SERVICE” EVOLVINGFebruary 15, 2014 -- At a community meeting at Glen Cove City Hall on Wednesday evening, North Shore-LIJ Health system officials stated that while plans for the Glen Cove Hospital are still in a state of flux, the facility would continue to serve the community as a full service hospital long into the foreseeable future. . . When pressed by a resident for a definition of “full service,” a hospital official said that “unfortunately there is no good definition” of full service. READ MORE
RESIDENTS EXPRESS FRUSTRATION, SKEPTICISM AT NY AMERICAN WATER COMMUNITY MEETINGFebruary 13, 2014 -- This past Tuesday evening, New York American Water Company officials met with community members to discuss the high charges that many customers say they have been seeing on their water bills since the publicly traded company took over as the water service provider for the area from Aqua two years ago. George Pombar, President of the Glen Head/ Glenwood Civic Associations, arranged the meeting that took place at the high school cafeteria About 30 residents were in attendance. READ MORE
CASH MOB COMING TO VILLAGE WINE MERCHANT ON MARCH 1February 16 -- Recognizing that a thriving business district is one of the fundamental pillars on which a strong community rests, local businesswoman, Debra Gordon, has launched a cash mob movement within the greater Glen Head, Glenwood, Sea Cliff area. . . . The practice has become increasingly wide-spread across the United States as the small businesswoman and man is often bypassed by shoppers who are often willing to drive many miles to the closest big box store in search of the illusory “deal”, unaware of the outstanding services, products, and bargains that are available to them right at their doorsteps. READ MORE
CLICK HERE or on the image above to connect to Northwordnews' directory of local restaurants, cafes, delis, caterers, and other eating establishments.
Fri: 2/28: Annual Sea Cliff Pub Crawl, Tickets $25 including mug
Sat. 3/8 3rd Annual Volcano Rock n Roll Dinner Dance, 7:30 pm
NS HIGH SCHOOL ARTISTS OPENING RECEPTION AT GOLD COAST LIBRARYSunday, Feb. 23 - Opening Reception for North Shore High School Art Exhibition, Gold Coast Public Library, 2 pm
SC SCULPTOR'S SIGHT AND SOUND OFFERS A MULTI-SENSORY EXPERIENCESea Cliff artist David Jacobs' exhibition "Sight and Sound," will be at the Hofstra Museum through April 27. Multiple aspects of his artistic directions and sensibilities are conveyed through the sculpture on view, which date from 1959-1987. READ MORE
NS IPA PROJECTS IN ART EXHIBIT WORTH THE TRIP TO SEA CLIFF LIBRARYThe Sea Cliff Arts Council is sponsoring an exhibit at the Sea Cliff Main Library for North Shore High School's Independent Projects in Art (IPA) students. READ MORE