Monday, September 9 - Sunday, September 15, 2013
The Week in Pictures
SEA CLIFF VILLAGE PILOTS RADAR SPEED DISPLAYS; COULD LEAD TO FEWER STOP SIGNSSeptember 13 -- According to data collected by the Village, Sea Cliff drivers are applying the brakes a bit more frequently - that is, if they've driven past one of the four speed display signs installed around town last month. READ MORE
TOWN HALL MEETING ON MONDAY TO DISCUSS TREE ORDINANCERe-posted September 13 -- On Monday, September 16, the Sea Cliff Board of Trustees will be holding a Town Hall Meeting in order to conduct an informal review of the village tree ordinance, and to get input from community members on their views of the current policy, and thoughts on whether it ought to be revised in any way.
The current tree ordinance was adopted in 2010 and provides that . . READ MORE |
CEREMONY IN SEA CLIFF MARKS 12TH ANNIVERSARY OF SEPTEMBER 11 ATTACKSSeptember 11 -- This morning, residents, members of the Sea Cliff Fire Department, and local
government officials gathered outside the Sea Cliff Children’s library for a solemn ceremony in remembrance of the nearly 3,000 victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Resident Phil Como, of the James F. Brengel American Legion Post 456, spoke briefly and participants observed a moment of silence as Amy Olitsky of Sea Cliff played Taps. The event concluded with 12 tolls of the Village Green bell - once for each year that has passed since the attacks. EVENTS THIS COMING WEEK
(Monday September 16 - 22) Mon. 9/16 -Sea Cliff Village Town Hall Meeting to Review Tree Ordinance Tues. 9/17 - Open School Night - Elementary Schools Wed. 9/18 - Open School Night - Middle School Thurs. 9/19 - Open School Night - High School Sat. 9/21 - Silly Shakespeare Performs Real Housewives of Henry VIII, Sea Cliff Beach 6 pm FEATURED BLOG |
ACT OR SAT - THAT IS THE QUESTIONThe ACT is now more popular than the SAT for college applicants. Many, however, choose to take both. (New York Times)
THE GAP YEAR - IS IT RIGHT FOR YOU?High School straight to College is not the best path for all students. Unfortunately societal, peer, and parental pressures often push high school seniors into choosing that course when a year away from academics would be time better spent and make for a more enriching, meaningful, and productive college experience later on. (USA Today)
Applying to a small elite liberal arts college like Amherst? Don't be insulted if you don't get in - it's not you, it's them. Listen to this 2011 report from NPR