EDITORIAL DIVIDED GOVERNMENT IS NOT DIVISIVE - IT'S DEMOCRACYThe mission and work of the Sea Cliff Civic Progress Committee has no doubt been a great service to Sea Cliff and its residents over the past seven decades as it has met and deliberated each winter to nominate many outstanding members of the community to serve in Village government. But as the March 20th Sea Cliff Village Board of Trustees election approaches, let us recognize the benefits that Village residents have reaped from divided government this past year.
Responding to the game of musical chairs in Village leadership positions that occured out of public view during the fall of 2016 and to the apparent lack of transparency of village government in a variety of areas, several residents organized the Sea Cliff Open Government Party and tapped resident Deb McDermott to be its candidate in last March’s Village Board election. Presenting the first real challenge in nearly a decade to the Civic Progress Committee, which had chosen all village board members for the previous seven elections, nearly all of which were uncontested, Ms. McDermott received the overwhelming support of the community. READ MORE RESIDENTS PACK HALL TO SIZE UP FOUR CANDIDATES VYING FOR TWO SPOTS ON SC VILLAGE BOARDMarch 16, 2017 -- About 150 residents packed the parish hall at St. Luke’s Church this past Tuesday night at a Meet the Candidates forum to size up the four candidates running for the two seats up for grabs on the Sea Cliff Village Board this election cycle. Liz Baron and Terryl Donovan, running under the banner of the Sea Cliff Open Government Party, and Sea Cliff Civic Progress nominees, incumbent Trustee Kevin McGilloway and Henriette Rohl, answered questions on a variety of issues facing Sea Cliff and offered their thoughts on how best to confront them. The event was organized by the Sea Cliff Civic Association and its President Ann DiPietro emceed the discussion with, as always, just the right balance of seriousness and humor. READ MORE
FOUR CANDIDATES VYING FOR TWO SEATSResidents of Sea Cliff will have the opportunity to choose from four candidates vying for the two positions on the Sea Cliff Village Board of Trustees that are on the ballot in this year's election on March 20. Kevin McGilloway, running on the Civic Progress line is seeking a third two-year term while his running mate Henriette Rohl is seeking her first. The Sea Cliff Open Government Party candidates are Liz Baron and Terryl Donovan, both of whom are looking to join board members Mayor Ed Lieberman and Dina Epstein as well as Deb McDermott who was the first to earn a spot on the board as an Open Government candidate last year. Trustee Robin Maynard, on the board since 2016, chose not to run for a second term. Also on the ballot is Charles Parisi who, tapped to replace long time Village Justice John Reali on the Civic Progress line, is seeking his first term and is running unopposed. Voting this year will take place at the Sea Cliff Department of Public Works (DPW) maintenance building on Altamont Avenue with polls open from 12 noon to 9 pm. Below are responses of the Village Board candidates to questions posed by NorthwordNews.
YOU NEED TO WALK BEFORE YOU CAN RUNReceived from Elena Villafane,
Sea Cliff, March 12, 2018 To the Editor Choice - a simple concept with complex ramifications. Some choices are easy, with little to no impact on your life and can be made without thought or consideration: vanilla or chocolate; coffee or tea. More often, choices have larger implications and require more than a knee jerk response. Important choices call for careful consideration of the relative merits of the options offered. As I write this letter, the residents of the Village of Sea Cliff are approximately ten days from voting in a contested election where four candidates vie for two open seats. VOTE FOR MCGILLOWAY AND ROHLReceived from Carol Vogt, Sea Cliff
March 13, 2018 To the Editor: Did you know that the Village of Sea Cliff has -a perfect New York Financial Rating, 0% fiscal stress - a AA+ Bond rating - so improved the beach that membership has tripled over the past eight years -raised $10 million in grant money over the last four years, $8 million in highly competitive races for those resources -an average yearly tax increase under 1% for the past decade, despite the tax cap -a debt service that is less now than it was eight years ago READ MORE TERYL DONOVAN - A PROVEN LEADER WORTHY OF YOUR VOTEReceived from Julia Brennan, Sea Cliff
March 8, 2018 To the Editor, I am pleased to support the candidacy of Terryl Donovan for Sea Cliff Village Trustee. I’ve known Terryl and her family for 15 years, having met her when she applied for the position of Director of Fine and Performing Arts at the North Shore CSD, where I served on the Board of Education. Terryl came to the district with a reputation as a gifted manager and quickly exceeded expectations. READ MORE TIME FOR NEW FACES, IDEAS AND ENERGY ON THE VILLAGE BOARDReceived from Maximo Büschfrers, Sea Cliff
March 9, 2018 To the Editor: My wife bought our first house and moved to Sea Cliff twenty years ago. Sea Cliff is a beautiful and secluded Village where life is almost idyllic, a place where all is well until you decide it’s time to do work on your house. I know this well, I’m an Architect. There is a fundamental problem at the building department, the people in charge never held this position before. This is a problem that has been going on for years. These are hard working and dedicated people doing their best to learn on the go, but the ones that pay the price for their inexperience are the residents of this Village. I brought this problem up to the attention of the Mayor and the Trustees in different occasions only to be ignored. READ MORE |