October 14, 2014 -- After a spectacular summer season at Sea Cliff Beach, Village Trustee Carol Vogt recognized the employees and volunteers "who make it all happen" at the Sea Cliff Board of Trustees meeting this past Tuesday evening. Noting the turn around the beach has made since the 1970s with the "incredible environmental action spearheaded by the Coalition to Save Hempstead Harbor" and the building of the new beach pavilion in the early 80's, Trustee Vogt, continued that "it's fair to say that the beach did not take its rightful place in the life of the Village until much more recently . . . because of the incredible dedication and hard work" of both beach volunteers and employees.
At last month's meeting she thanked the Friends of Sea Cliff beach for their volunteer efforts, and this past Tuesday paid tribute to another volunteer - Sue Giordano, who for many years has organized the Friday night concerts at the beach. Despite having to run a business and volunteering in various civic groups, Trustee Vogt said, "she somehow makes the time and continues to volunteer to do the challenging job of prividing music for our residents every week of the summer."
Additionally she thanked the many beach employees, including Matt Ragusa who has been the sound man for beach entertainment at the arts gazebo for the past three years, as well as a lifeguards including Kathleen Lennon, Greg Bafitis, Molly Reilly, Matt Ferrara, Alley Grande, Katherine Doering, Henry Doering, Morris Boratin, and Rick Mutchler, who in addition to keeping swimmers safe, help maintain the beach.
Assistant Manager, Nina Ring, Trustee Vogt said, "goes way beyond in every way, including working with her husband, on their own time and at no cost to the Village, to build us a display case and other additions that have so improved our beach." And lastly the trustee recognized Ann Koppel, who has been the beach manager for the past 25 years. While many physical improvement have been made to the beach over that time period, said Ms. Vogt, helping to bring the beach back to what it was "when Sea Cliff was in its heyday as a resort community . . . we all know that one very important reason those changes have made such an incredible difference is because of Ann’s dogged, persistent, never ending drive and commitment to make all of those improvements sparkle, to make all of those things work the way they should to create the beautiful gem the beach has become."
Noting earlier in her remarks that many who spoke at the "Growing Up in Sea Cliff" opening reception at the museum a couple of weeks ago commented on the centrality of the beach to Sea Cliff life during the first half of the 20th century, Trustee Vogt brought it full circle by the conclusion, saying that Ms. Koppel "is doing everything she can to make sure that down the road there will be other Sea Cliffians telling stories of their days in Sea Cliff at the beach watched over by Ann and her staff."
Sea Cliff Mayor Bruce Kennedy presented Robert Coyle with a Certificate of Appreciation for his 52 years of service on the Sea Cliff Examining Board of Plumbers, and Joe Mazzeo, owner of Bart's Barber Shop, opened by his father, Bart, in 1934, with a plaque "celebrating 80 years of service with style in Sea Cliff." In the image above Mayor Kennedy and Mr. Mazzeo pose for two different photographers.