Received from Richard Galati, Glen Head
April 23, 2017 To the Editor, I respectfully announce that I am a candidate for Trustee of the North Shore Schools Board of Education, a district that I have been associated with for over 30 years as a dedicated faculty member at North Shore High School. Twenty eight years ago, my wife, Darlene, and I made the conscious decision to relocate to Glen Head to raise our children, a decision very much based on my wonderful experiences as a teacher at North Shore. The community and the schools have been, and still are, a very important part of my life, and I want to continue to serve the community in the best way I can now, as a Trustee of the Board of Education of the North Shore Schools. Through my work, in and out of the classroom, and having had four children attend kindergarten through high school graduation at North Shore, I believe I have a solid understanding and appreciation of the history and culture of the district. I have worked under three different superintendents, many high school principals and assistant principals and I will be a helpful resource to the new administration as to past practices and past programming. In addition to my familiarity with the academic programs, I have a unique insight into the extracurricular programs we offer that no other candidate, or current board member has; I was the Coordinator of Extracurricular Activities for the district for the past twenty seven years through which I played a vital part in budgeting and overseeing all the clubs, organizations, publications, and other events district wide. In addition, I had experience in the extracurricular activities as a parent because all four of my children were very active in the extracurricular programs at the schools, including music, dramatics, visual arts, athletics, student government, and publications. As a Science teacher, my involvement was an integral piece in the implementation of Science Research at the high school, and I had numerous Intel Award winning students. I was asked to start the AP Physics program in the district in 1995, and was the only AP Physics teacher at the high school until my retirement. My vast teaching experience included my implementing local, non-regents courses in both Chemistry and Physics, as well as teaching regents, honors, and AP courses in both Chemistry and Physics. Academic excellence, regardless of the level of the course, was always a prime focus in my classes. More importantly however, I wanted to foster the love of learning in my students in order to make them informed citizens and lifelong learners. I tried to serve as a good role model for them through my conduct and actions each day. This is the first time I am eligible to serve on the Board of Education, as I am now retired from the district. My children benefitted from all that North Shore had to offer, and I feel strongly that I want to help to continue to increase opportunities and provide excellent experiences for ALL of our current students, and those to come. I am committed to listening to my constituents, to work collegially and cooperatively with fellow board members, administration, faculty, and staff and to work hard to further expand upon our already strong foundation. I would greatly appreciate your support and your vote in the election on May 16, 2017. Respectfully submitted, Richard Galati BACK TO WEEKLY |