A PAGEANT OF PETS, PUPPETS, AND PEDESTRIANS COMES TO SEA CLIFFOctober 29 -- This past Saturday morning, a procession of pets, puppets, and pedestrians made its way along Sea Cliff Avenue from Memorial Park to Clifton Park in a proud pageant of color, costumes, and creativity. Organized by Karen Kessler and Vivian Parisi, with the support of the Sea Cliff Civic Association, this was an expansion of last year's parade which only included pets. This time around however, with the help of local artist Joanne Gray, spectacularly colorful and intricate hand-made puppets were added to the mix of dogs, cats, and even two lizards. In the weeks preceding the event, Ms. Gray held two workshops at the Creative Arts Studio in Sea Cliff to offer instruction to residents in the art of puppet making. Awards and gift certificates to Petco were given for "Most Original Costume", "Looks Most Like the Owner," "Most Creative Costume," "Largest Pet," and "Smallest Pet."