9.6% OF NORTH SHORE STUDENTS OPT OUT OF GRADES 3-8 ELA ASSESSMENTApril 1, 2014 -- 127 North Shore students in grades 3-8, or 9.6% of total enrollment "opted out" of the New York State English and Language Arts Assessment that began on Tuesday and will continue through Thursday. The highest percentage of student refusals was at Sea Cliff Elementary where 25 students, or 12.7% of enrollment, opted not to take the exam. At the Middle School 84 students, or 12.6% opted out. At Glen Head Elementary 14 students, or 6.4% of the population refused the exam, and four students, or 2% of enrollment in grades 3-5 opted out at Glenwood Landing. If the exam is administered to less than 95% of a school's population for two consecutive years, the District will be required to submit a "corrective action plan" for the school.