WHY I AM RUNNING FOR SCHOOL BOARDReceived from David Ludmar,
Glenwood Landing May 4, 2016 To The Editor, It is with great excitement that I announce my candidacy for the North Shore School Board of Education. Having progressed from a casual observer at board meetings to an active participant on the district Superintendent’s Council, Guidance Review and Legislative Action (LAC) committees, I have the knowledge and experience required to represent our community as a steward of our school system, as well as a thorough understanding of the important issues facing American public education. I am the owner and CEO of a successful New York manufacturer of uniform accessories for military, public safety, cruise lines and airlines, responsible for overseeing operations, personnel, government negotiations and corporate strategy. In 2006 we purchased the assets of a failing supplier and resurrected their South Carolina manufacturing operation. In contrast to the prevailing outsourcing trend, we are committed to American manufacturing, high quality, and low employee turnover rates. My business experience has taught me that success can only be achieved when all stakeholders work together to achieve common goals - in this respect, our school system is no different. Students, parents, teachers, coaches, administrators and community members are in this together. A native Long Islander, I attended public schools from K-12, earned my BA from Vassar College and my MBA from NYU. I served previously as the Associate Director of Admissions for a small VA college. My wife, Molly, is a professor and counselor at Nassau Community College, helping students transfer to 4-year degree programs. We moved to Glenwood Landing in 2005, and our two children are second and third graders at GWL Elementary. I serve as a SC Baseball/NS Softball coach and board member. Preparing all of our students to lead successful, confident, responsible and thoughtful lives is a vital goal for our district, while recognizing that identifying students’ true interests, talents and strengths – over the course of their education - is a goal in and of itself. I am committed to protecting and enhancing the special nature of the North Shore education as a voice of reason, a builder of consensus, and a principled decision-maker. I believe strongly in public education, and I ask for your support in the May 17th election. Thank you, Dave Ludmar |