Village of Sea CliffVillage of Old BrookvilleVillage of Roslyn HarborGlenwood Glen Head Civic AssociationTown of Oyster BayTown of North HempsteadNassau County |
Elected OfficialsVILLAGE MAYORS
Sea Cliff - Bruce Kennedy Old Brookville - Bernie Ryba Roslyn Harbor - David Mandell TOWN OF OYSTER BAY Supervisor John Venditto TOWN OF NORTH HEMPSTEAD Supervisor Jon Kaimans NASSAU COUNTY Legislators Delia DeRiggi-Whitton (11th District - includes Sea Cliff, Glenwood, Roslyn Harbor) Donald MacKenzie (18th District - includes Glen Head and Old Brookville, Greenvale) Executive - Edward Mangano STATE LEGISLATURE (Links show district lines) State Senator, Carl Marcellino State Senator, Jack Martins Assemblyman, Chuck Lavine Assemblyman Edward Ra Assemblyman Michael Montesano UNITED STATES CONGRESS Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Senator Chuck Schumer Representative Steve Israel |
BOARD NOTESCLIFF NOTES - SEA CLIFF BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING - September 9 (click)Sea Cliff Village Board, August 12Mayors Report –
Mayor Kennedy gave the police incident report for July. For the month, there were 9 accidents, 13 aided cases, one burglary on July 11th at a Franklin Avenue home, and one auto larceny. The Mayor announced that there will be a Town Hall Meeting on Monday, September 16 at 8 pm for an informal review and discussion of the village tree ordinance. Residents will have the opportunity to offer their opinions on the current policy and their thoughts about whether it ought to be revised. The Mayor stated that he had attended the rally at Glen Cove Hospital earlier that day, and said that Glen Cove Mayor Ralph Suozzi was trying to stop or at least slow down the process of decertifying beds at the hospital. Lastly, Mayor Kennedy informed the Board and the audience of the upcoming referendum to approve the Town of Oyster Bay’s sale of 53.7 acres of land to Oyster Bay Realty. He explained that the owner of an adjoining property, developer Taubman Center, initiated a petition drive to require the sale to be approved through a permissive referendum. That vote will be held on Aug. 20th from 6 am to 9 pm. Sea Cliff residents can vote at Sea Cliff School. Mr. Kennedy said that the vote is separate from whether or not a mall would be built on the adjacent property. The Mayor said he would be voting “yes” on the land sale. Trustees’ Reports Regarding the town meeting on September 16th, Trustee Carol Vogt stated there is no formal proposal for a new tree policy at this time. The purpose of the Town Meeting is to get an idea of “the direction we want to go in.” Ms. Vogt said that this has been a great summer season for Sea Cliff Beach. Beach membership is up 10% over last year. She also thanked the Friends of Sea Cliff Beach Committee for their recent donation of 10 new umbrellas and 10 new chairs to the beach. Ms. Vogt announced some upcoming events at the Beach - Sunday Sept. 1 - Family Fun Day - Saturday Sept. 7 – Fireman’s Fundraiser - Saturday Sept. 21 – Silly Shakespeare Festival (rain date – Sept. 22). Lastly, Ms. Vogt said that the Seniors Action Committee was looking for volunteers to drive local seniors to doctors’ appointments. Trustee Thomas Powell swore in Emily Natale as a Sea Cliff Fire Department Medic. (see pictures) Trustee Powell then discussed the Scudder Pond improvement project and said that the Village would soon be accepting bids for the work. He said that easement agreements with the North Shore Country Club and residents on Littleworth Lane are being worked out so that hopefully the work can proceed later in the fall. Trustee Peter Hayes reported that the Village has two new Sanitation Trucks and that the village has changed how it will be collecting recyclables. Trucks will make two trips on recycling pick up day. Glass and metal items would be gathered on the first run, and paper and cardboard on the second. Cardboard and newspaper no longer need to be tied and separated from each other. Residents can simply place paper items into a cardboard box. Mayor Kennedy added that the village can see significant savings by reducing tonnage of ordinary garbrage – a savings that could be seen in tax bills if everyone pitches in. He encouraged audience members to separate recyclables from their garbage to reduce ordinary waste. Trustee Ed Lieberman reported that a New Exhibit would be opening at the Sea Cliff Museum – “Secrets of the Sea Cliff Museum.” The exhibits will include interesting artifacts from Sea Cliff’s past. One example he gave was bars from the old village jail. Mr. Lieberman said that renovations for the Sea Cliff Children’s library are on track. The renovations include a HVAC system, converting from oil to gas heat, a new ceiling and lighting, and an ADA compliant bathroom. The village is awaiting word on grants from Senator Marcellino’s office and the New York State Dormitory Authority. Lastly, Mr. Lieberman announced a new event that will be taking place this fall called Chill Out in Sea Cliff. It will take place on the evening of Wednesday, November 6 and begin with music at 6pm on the Village Green. The event is being coordinated with local restaurants. Public Participation - A Glen Ave. resident asked the board if they were familiar with an online petition that was being circulated regarding the Glenwood Landing Power Plant. Mayor Kennedy replied that he was familiar with it and that a Sea Cliff resident had circulated the petition and was trying to protect the building from demolition so that it could be refitted for another use. He stated that National Grid would need a demo permit from North Hempstead to take down the building and was unsure of when that would be issued, but encouraged people who were concerned about it, to attend the TNH meeting when that issue is discussed. Sea Cliff Village Board, July 8 - Monday, July 8, 2013. 8 pm.
Present – Mayor Kennedy, Trustee Vogt, Trustee Hayes; Absent – Trustee Lieberman, Trustee Powell About 20 people were in attendance and the meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm. A Generous Gift from the Friends of Sea Cliff Beach Committee - Trustee Carol Vogt gave special thanks to Friends of Sea Cliff Beach Committee for all of the work they have done in developing the beach. On behalf of the Board, Trustee Vogt accepted from the organization a $2,000 dollar donation to the Village. Caberet License- Bill Long, Owner of the Metropolitan Bistro on Roslyn Avenue spoke in favor of his application for a caberet permit. He requested that the permit allow the Bistro to have live musical performances on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings from 7:30 to 11 pm. He stated that folk, soft rock, and low key pop would be performed in an area of the establishment by the front entrance, and that typically no more than three musicians would be performing at any given time. The Mayor and Board Trustees questioned Mr. Long regarding sound proofing, sound systems and how often music would be performed. Mr. Long said about half the time (1.5 nights per week average). Two audience members spoke in favor of Mr. Long’s application. Later in the meeting, Trustee Hayes, Trustee Vogt, and Mayor Kennedy voted to grant Mr. Long the permit which will be in effect until Feb. 1, 2016. Mr. Kennedy Goes to Washington – Mayor Kennedy stated that he recently travelled to Washington to meet with Congressman Steve Israel and other public officials to lobby for a federal grant for a sewer line down Sea Cliff and Prospect Avenues. There is an Engineer’s report of the project available for viewing at Village Hall. Sea Cliff Pallooza and Arts Show– During her report, Trustee Vogt encouraged audience members to attend Sea Cliff Palooza on Saturday July 13, from 11 am to 11 pm, and the Sea Cliff Arts show at Clifton Park from 10 am to 5 pm on Sunday, July 14. Killer Weed Found at Tilley’s – Trustee Hayes stated that a Giant Hogweed Plant is growing towards the bottom of Tilley’s Steps. The Hogweed is an invasive species that has beautiful white flowers and can grow about eight feet tall. However, it also has extremely poisonous sap that is far more toxic than that of the poison ivy plant, and can permanently scar or even cause more serious problems to the person who is unfortunate enough to come into contact with it. The issue has been reported to the State Department of Environmental Conservation, and the Village is expecting a response shortly on how to kill the weed. Come Together . . . Right Now – During public participation, Mike Lennon, the organizer of the Saturday Tag Sale on the Village Green, expressed disapproval over the approach that he believes the Village Board and more specifically Trustee Lieberman have taken with regard to Saturday events that have to date raised about $10,000 for the Sea Cliff Library. Mr. Lennon stated that Trustee Lieberman, who serves as the board Liasson to the Sea Cliff Library Board, has repeatedly expressed negative feeling towards the tag sales, and has only forwarded complaints from residents about traffic and has never had anything positive to say. Mr. Lieberman was not present to respond. Mr. Lennon stated that the tag sales have not only raised money for the Library, but have also helped local businesses and the community by bringing a vibrancy to the area that has not existed in a long time. Mr. Lennon requested that the Board replace Mr. Lieberman with another Trustee to act as Library Liason. Mayor Kennedy replied that some in the community “love it, but others hate it.” In addition, he stated that he would never entertain such a request from Mr. Lennon, and that only the Library Board ought to bring up the issue of replacing the Board Liason. Kennedy continued that he honestly did not know how he felt about the tag sales and that the issue would be better addressed in a meeting between friends of sea cliff library, the village board, the Library board and Mr. Lennon, rather than in a public setting. Frank Murray, a Library Trustee, then spoke to the issue expressing support for Mr. Lennon’s efforts and the impact that it had on the community. Mayor Kennedy expressed disappointment that the issue was brought up in this way, and that discussing the issue between the parties involved would have been a much better approach. He went onto say that the board had never granted approval to allow the tag sales to take place on village property in the first place. Several member of the Friends of Sea Cliff Library spoke up in favor of Mr. Lennon’s efforts and the positive impact they believed the tag sale had on culture of Sea Cliff on Saturdays. Trustee Vogt stated that the positions presented at the meeting represented only a slice of the community and it is the Boards job to balance various interests. She stated that she did not support ending the tag sales but that there should be a discussion about what would be the best venue for sale. Frank Murray stated that while he strongly supported my Lennon’s efforts and the impact they have had on the library and the community, he did not support the removal of Mr. Lieberman as library Liason. Ann DiPietro stated that Mr. Lieberman had been very responsive to the library. (reported on by T. Madden) |