Edward Lieberman, Sea Cliff February 23, 2017 To the Editor: At our nation's birth Thomas Jefferson wrote, " The art of government is to be honest." This sacred principle must always be the cornerstone of every elected official's ethos. As the Mayor of Sea Cliff, I verily believe in this ideal and remain vigilant in being honest, open, and tolerant of all opinions. The Village of Sea Cliff is presently in its two-year election cycle with the office of Mayor and that of two Trustees open for the voter's consideration on the occasion of our Village election on March 21. I am respectfully requesting your endorsement to continue as your Mayor and for your support of current Trustees, Dina Epstein and Jeff Vitale. Your support is sought in order to continue our work on your behalf to further our village's esteemed and revered place as a vibrant, progressive, and family-oriented community, with its strong financial status and preserved heritage of beautiful environs. These community goals have been achieved to date, not simply by our mere existence, but rather through the calculated, focused vision of your village government, achieved by hard work and proven executed performance. The choice remains with you, the electorate. I simply ask that your vote be cast based on a sincere analysis of your Village government's past performance. That analysis will, I fervently believe, draw you to the conclusion that this vision has been achieved by your government diligently working together with our community. Now, I ask for the opportunity and honor to continue to work as your Mayor, along with Trustee Dina Epstein and Trustee Jeff Vitale, to achieve an even greater vision for our beloved village by your vote of support on March 21. Edward L. Lieberman Mayor Inc. Village of Sea Cliff |