Received from Deb McDermott, Sea Cliff
March 23, 2017 To the Editor: Yesterday’s turnout of 1034 Sea Cliff voters (plus 38 who voted by absentee ballot) was big by recent measures in our village. So many people in the small space of the Children’s Library is a challenge that our Village Clerk, Marianne Lennon and her team of poll workers managed well and I am grateful for their professionalism and dedication. I am grateful to every person who voted yesterday – not just for me – but every person who thought about what they want Sea Cliff to be and who came and expressed that view with their vote. I don’t know 725 people in Sea Cliff. I do know that there are many people who supported me during the campaign and now I know there were many more people talking and thinking about open communications, and accessible, engaging government. I am grateful for each of you and all that you’ve done to bring forth the Sea Cliff Open Government party and to help get me elected as its first candidate. However, now we need to turn our energy and attention to moving forward. I plan to authentically collaborate with our Mayor, Ed, fellow trustees Dina, Kevin and Robin and the staff at Village Hall to evolve the way our village government communicates, interacts and shares information. I’d like to make it significantly easier to be informed about issues, processes and events related to village government and to make our village more collaborative. I’d like to do this in a way that consistently brings us together and deepens our sense of connection to each other and our commitments to this remarkable village. Let’s remain engaged. Let’s stay interested past the drama of a campaign and election and take whatever steps we can to stay connected and build our community, everyday. To this end, appointments to various village boards and organizations for the next year will happen on April 3. Think about stepping up for one of these roles. I will post the list and the contact information, newly added to the Village website in a separate post. Let’s move forward together. Deb McDermott Sea Cliff |