IT'S TIME TO CHANGEReceived from Dan Maddock, Sea Cliff
March 8, 2018 To the Editor: They’re bright and diverse. They’re male and female, mothers and fathers, young and old. They’re passionate about the Village and indignant about right and wrong. They’re the people of the new Sea Cliff Open Government Party and with their focus on process and transparency, they have already brought positive change in the way Sea Cliff is governed. They’re going to continue bringing transparency and openness, better planning and modern techniques to our village government. Last year they elected Deb McDermott to the Board of Trustees. This year they’ve nominated two outstanding candidates, Terryl Donovan and Elizabeth Baron, both with excellent professional credentials. Both will add two more highly-qualified, fiscally-responsible, independent voices to the board. That’s why I’m voting for Terryl and Liz on March 20th. It’s time to change. Dan Maddock Sea Cliff |