Received from Jerry Romano, Sea Cliff
March 26, 2017 ( Editor's Note - the following letter was also sent to the North Shore School District Board of Education Sunday, March 26, 2017) To the Editor: Good leaders lead and are able to articulate the mission so the troops follow. After receiving the Opt Out card from the North Shore Schools Teachers Unions this past week it’s glaringly obvious that the North Shore School District lacks effective leadership and that the employees don’t understand the mission. The teachers union polling the community should not be tolerated. This is what we call in business, “the inmates running the prison”. Employees don’t decide what and how the work is done. They can have an opinion. They can make their case to management and that’s where it ends. Only a juvenile view of the workplace would think that it is a democracy. This is classic case on “misplace authority” where the workers believe that they are more important than management and more important than the school board. The North Shore Teachers Union is interfering with the education of the children in our community and it needs to stop. If this action in anyway impacts on federal or state funding that the district receives and causes property owners to pay even more taxes I will rally the community to take legal action against the North Shore Teachers Union. I don’t have all of the facts about testing, but expect you to have that information and make the best decisions for the community. And speaking of information how come so little information about the districts business is on the website? Are you blowing off my request to put on-line all of districts contracts and financial information? If the facts about the district, the facts about testing, the community can make an informed decision and the Opt Out mailing would be meaningless. Saying nothing only promotes their cause and makes you complicit in their egregious behavior. The next time I’m at a school board meeting and ask why employee compensation is escalating at 2-3x the rate of inflation, the budgets are increasing while student population is decreasing, think twice before you tell me that you need to pay top salaries to attract good people. Good managers know how to manage and good employees respect managements decisions. Sincerely, Jerry Romano Sea Cliff NY BACK TO WEEKLY |