By Christine Halloran
The High School held its second annual Acoustic Café last Friday night, featuring the talents of students, faculty, and alumnae performing music selections of their choice, as well as the work of photography students and baked goods provided by the Tri-M Honor Society (advisor, Ms. Polito). This year’s event, organized by Dr. Rob Gerver and Mr. Chuck Wankel (both of whom also performed), was a fundraiser for North Shore’s Relay for Life event, which benefits the American Cancer Society. North Shore has been chosen to participate in Optimum’s Charity Champions program, and representatives from Optimum were on hand at the event to present a $1000 donation to the cause, as well as $500 in seed money to help with the costs associated with the event. Mr. Kevin Waters presented the checks to Marissa Frank, this year’s senior intern for Relay, and Louie Mastakouris, Key Club president. Optimum also sent a crew to interview Relay participants and film some of the performances. As participants in Charity Champions, North Shore will document all fundraising efforts for Relay in an effort to win an additional $5000 donation. Ticket sales from the Acoustic Café brought in over $500 for the Relay donation, giving this year’s Relay a grand head start toward meeting its fundraising goals. Picture: Front row: Stephanie Cuomo, Alaina Van Pak Back Row: Dr. Rob Gerver, Christine Halloran, Kevin Waters, Marissa Frank, Julia Reilly, Elias Mastakouris, Carly Rovner, Rebecca Winski, Lisa Polito |