1. Why did you decide to be a candidate for Village Board Trustee?
I am running for Village Trustee because I love Sea Cliff and have a strong passion to unify our Village. Sea Cliff is vibrant and it is my aspiration is to continue the momentum, while assuring all voices are heard.
2. What skills or experience do you bring to the position?
My 25 year career in finance has taught me to listen, advocate and come to a mutual consensus between the organization and the individual. I make decisions based on facts and figures and am able to set my own emotions aside to make tough, fair decisions. I pride myself on being able to explain these decisions. I also have a strong working knowledge of our Village, obtained from sitting on two village boards and being an active volunteer in our community. I believe this skillset and experience will serve our village well.
3. What do you see as the two or three most important challenges or issues facing the Village? What do you believe the Village government could or should do in addressing those issues or challenges?
A major issue I see is the threat of overdevelopment in our surrounding area. As a village, we need to be vigilant in protecting our environment and assuring we curb traffic and increase safety on our streets. My involvement in the Environmental Conservation Commission and Traffic & Safety Committee are great examples of how residents can sit on village committees and have a real effect on how our Village is run.
Another important issue at this time is the safety of our children, specifically the opioid epidemic. We currently have a Youth Program, which can be expanded vastly to serve our young residents in many more ways.
4. What does Village Government do well? What, if anything, could the Village government do better?
Over the past 10 years our village has been very good at anticipating and addressing our changing needs. This is exemplified by the outstanding service the Village provides us, expanded recycling, the sewer line, the vibrance of our charming business district, all while keeping our financial well-being in mind.
Another example of how proactive the Village Government is the moratorium on subdivisions while we review the current Village Code. The Village identified a potential threat and are proactively addressing it.
We are a village of volunteerism and the Mayor and Trustees are extremely diligent in engaging the various committees that serve our village. This is certainly a quality that makes our Village great. I would be interested in reaching out to the various committees and exploring if there is an opportunity to network more with each other. It is my belief that we share a common vision and could benefit from each others experiences.
5. Are there any new proposals you would make as a Village Trustee? If so, what?
I am thrilled to have worked on the Carry Out Bag ordinance brought forth by the ECC (Environmental Conservation Commission) and am excited to start work on an ordinance to ban styrofoam. These types of initiatives set an example for our neighboring communities and make a strong statement that these issues are important to us.
Additionally, I would like to see our younger residents more involved. I believe we can utilize our existing resources to create spaces and activities to serve our youth. For example, we could have activities at the library, our parks and at the beach that highlight the talents and interests of a younger crowd. I have heard from an overwhelming amount of residents that this is something they want and are willing to help with. I believe strongly in investing in our children.
6. What do you believe are the characteristics of a great trustee?
I believe a great Trustee makes decisions that are best for the village as a whole. A Trustee should have an open mind and an open heart, be approachable, be willing to reach out and weigh both the short and long term consequences of any decisions they are involved in. I am that independent voice that will represent the good of the Village.