North Shore Schools, Glen Head, NY- North Shore High School students in Ms. Laura Green’s Multimedia class recently had the opportunity to design an APP icon utilizing their iPads and Adobe Illustrator tools including shape, gradient, pen, opacity, color, and the effect tool. An APP icon is a visual anchor (branding) for a product that ideally communicates the core essence of an application program usually found on most computer websites, hand-held devices, and cell phones. Ms. Green said, “The goal of the lesson was to teach my students how to create an APP icon as an extension of our logo design unit. My students had to come to the realization that their logo can be used not only for merchandising (e.g. on t-shirts and/or hats), but as a way to link them to the world of social media. With millions of APPS available online today, my students needed to think creatively and make their logo designs unique and recognizable.” During the lesson, the Multimedia students had to become familiar with the following vocabulary: Logo, brand, personal branding, merchandising, and the principles of effective APPicon design. The class of 10th-12th graders included: Nathalie Arias, Zachary DeMeo, Emily Dietz, Diana Espinoza, Andrew Gerard, Peter Imparato, Miranda Kivlen, Kyle Knoell, Eduard Marcencov, Nataniel Mihailescu, Thomas Passuello, and Sydney Zaremba. They had to answer the following essential questions:
What is an APP icon?
Consider how many APP icons there are in the world?
How can we make our designs stand out?
Describe what happens when someone taps on your APP icon?
Compare Instagram’s new APP icon to their previous APP icon which applies to the Five Principles of Effective APP icon Design
For weeks, the students studied the principles of effective APP icon design and worked to create their own APP icon designs in an effective, unique, and eye-catching manner. Some tips on creating an impactful APP icon included:
Use a unique shape or symbol
Keep it simple
Don't include words
Choose vibrant colors
Test different versions and ask their friends
North Shore students also looked at the old and new Instagram Appicons for reference. Most used their iPads to view the internet, videos, and research Adobe Illustrator tutorials. Additionally, the MultiMedia students were required to use the same logo that was used in their merchandising project, needed to use color that contrasted to their background screens, and had to consider a simple graphic shape if it worked with their logo. After completion, all of the different APP icons were shared with their peers in class and were displayed in the hall of the high school. Ms. Green said, “It is very exciting to think that the skills learned in Multimedia can be utilized by your children to help shape their careers and future if they have the interest, talent, and desire. Please encourage them to keep thinking critically and creatively, and to communicate and collaborate with others to further their knowledge and abilities. A world of DESIGN awaits them!”
Article written by Shelly Newman under the direction of Ms. Laura Green. Photo Caption: Pictured are APP icons designed by 10th-12th graders in Multimedia class at North Shore High School under the direction of teacher, Ms. Laura Green. For weeks, the students studied the principles of effective APP icon design utilizing Adobe Illustrator and worked to create their own designs in an effective, unique, and eye-catching manner.