SEA CLIFF ARTIST DAVID JACOBS' WORKS TO BE EXHIBITED AT HOFSTRA MUSEUMThe Hoftsra University Museum is hosting an opening reception for Sea Cliff artist David Jacobs' exhibition "Sight and Sound" on Saturday, February 8 from 2-4 pm.
This singular exhibition created by Karen T. Albert, Associate Director of Exhibitions and Collections for the Hofstra University Museum, highlights selected works from the prolific career of the contemporary artist David Jacobs. Mulitple aspects of his artisitc directions and sensibilities are conveyed through the sculpture on view, which date from 1959-1987. Featured is his Sound Columns Environment, part of his famous Wah Wah series, works that exemplify his use of nontraditional materials to create a dynamic aesthetic. These large-scale sculptures use principles of physics and engineering to create sound using air. The artist asks viewers to actively participate with his works by immersing themselves in the sensory experiences he creates. Sight and Sound will be on display at the Hofstra University Museum through April 27. BACK TO HOME PAGE |