President - Glen Head Glenwood Civics Associations
President - Glen Head Glenwood Civics Associations
April 17, 2017
Good evening, hope everyone enjoyed the Holidays and the great weather!! Since we have been getting many calls from residents wishing to have questions answered about the water company, not only about the tower but also about their request for a rate increase and our community plans to address these issues, the local Civics have decided to hold a Town Hall meeting on the subject on TUESDAY MAY 2ND AT THE NSHS at 7:30 PM. Depending on the number of attendees we will either hold the meeting at the HS Cafeteria or the Auditorium. We will be addressing the 3 key matters of concern related to the water company: current rates and their request for a rate increase, the GH water tower and discuss possible community plans for the future of the water company operating within our community. We plan to address these topics with the help of Robert McEvoy, a subject expert who is the former Water Commissioner in the helmet of Oyster Bay. Please let everyone in the community know about this meeting so they may attend. Lastly, I also wanted to share that the First National Bank of LI has notified us that they are in the process of purchasing the Sam' Deli property - Glen Cove Ave and Harding Place - adjacent to their Operations building. They informed me that the property has been up for sale for over a year and a half and they plan to leave the dwelling (2 apartments and the deli) rented at least for now as their main interest in this location is the parking lot as they are short of parking spaces. Let me know if you have any comments/questions. Thanks. March 26, 2017
Good evening, the local Civic Association representatives this week met with the Water Co. executives and I wanted to share some of the on goings of the meeting. We had a successful meeting from the perspective of letting the executives of the company know exactly how the community feels in terms not only the proposed building of the new water tower, but also on the critical role of this community, and others in Long Island, supporting a private company for their investment. One key highlight of the meeting, which adds to the lack of trust of this company and their team, is that the new cost now projected for the tower is $3.5 million, instead of the original projection of $5 million as stated in front of the Town of Oyster Bay Zoning Board only a few weeks ago, under a President of their company who has now been removed and replaced by a new President. What is next: The Town asked the company to meet with the community at large and we are planning such meeting during early April; we will notify everyone so all can attend. We are working in getting political support although this does not seem to be as popular as expected with the local politicians. Lastly, there seems to be a need to hold a large community meeting before meeting with the Water Co. so we can explain the process of resolving this issue once and for all. While I am really opposed to a double meeting, I am afraid we need to first inform our community members of the process involved. Thanks and have a good evening! George Pombar
February 17, 2017 The attached notice was published in Newsday yesterday as a Public Notice requesting public comments on an American Water Co. rate increase request. IMPORTANT - and please note that we must disseminate this notice to all in our community - ALL COMMENTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION BY MARCH 6 - note this posting comes out on a Thursday right before the Holidays when many folks are away. We need to instruct every member of the community on what steps to take to ensure the number of comments from our area is high. Of importance is that we in this area are part of the projected request for Service Area 2. Here are the instructions to understand this complex chart appearing in Newsday: ♢ The PSC is seeking comments on this public notice by no later than 3/6/2017. ♢ Every member of our community should voice their concerns about this rate increase request which is projected to more than double our current bills. ♢ There are 3 ways to voice our comments: - by Internet: go to - click on "search", enter the case number 16-W-0259, click on "post comments" at the top of the page. OUR SUGGESTED COMMENTS TO BE PLACED HERE: "The NY American Water Co. serving our Glen Head - Glenwood - Sea Cliff community is currently charging us about $4 per 1,000 gallons of water used while all of our neighboring communities are paying about $1 for the same service. In addition to these exorbitant charges we are, and periodically assessed Surcharges currently $320 + (charged at a rate of $80 per quarter) for operating expenses a company should absorb and amortize as part of doing business. While we clearly understand that other Municipal water companies do not pay taxes and NYAW does, the difference dies not equate anywhere to a $3 difference per 1,000 gallons plus Surcharges. Considering these gouging prices being assessed for the use of such basic necessity as water, we totally oppose the PSC giving consideration to any additional rate increases as requested by the NYAW company." Sincerely, (Name, address and phone number) ♢ Second alternative is to communicate your comments via email, the same message above to: [email protected] ♢ Third alternative to communicate your comments: by mail to: Hon. Kathleen H. Burgess, Secretary, Public Service Commission, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York, 12223-1350 Please be sure to state "Case 16W-0259 - New York American Water - Rates" Any questions please let me know. We must submit all comments no later than March 6, 2017. Thanks. |