Proposition 1 and Proposition 2 on North Shore Schools Ballot forTuesday, May 16, 2017
Trustees Agreed to Keep the Budget Proposal at the Allowable NY State Tax Levy Limit
After months of reviewing the budget line items page-by-page, the North Shore Board of Education unanimously adopted the 2017-18 Budget Proposal on April 6, 2017. Earlier this year, trustees agreed not to exceed the tax levy cap. On Tuesday, May 16, 2017, the community will vote on Proposition 1, a total budget of $102,113,515 which represents a budget-to-budget increase of 2.63% from last year. This budget proposal maintains all of our academic programs as well as adds one guidance counselor position at the high school and a full time social worker at the middle school. Additionally, the Board agreed to set the tax levy at $84,488,575.
The District’s allowable tax levy limit (the amount that is collected in taxes) is down by $9,516 from the previous year’s tax levy despite an inflation factor of 1.2%. Revenues including the LIPA payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT) are estimated at $17,624,940. Revenues will be utilized to help keep the tax levy the same as last year.
Also, on the ballot will be Proposition 2 - Transportation Distance Limits. The Board of Education of the North Shore Central School District is asking permission to modify its public school transportation eligibility at the beginning of the 2017-18 for Grades 7 and 8 students only from the existing one and one half (1.5) mile limit to a new one (1) mile limit at no additional cost to the District. Grade 6 currently has a one (1) mile limit. The District must seek community approval prior to modifying its public transportation distance limit.
We encourage you to stay informed about the budget and learn the facts. Upcoming Board of Education meetings will take place in the HS Library at 7:30 pm (unless stated otherwise) on June 1 (HS Theatre), andJune 15 (HS Theatre). Voter Registration for the school budget will take place on Saturday, May 6, from 10 am - 2 pm in the Central Office, 112 Franklin Avenue, Sea Cliff. Voter Registration forms are available at our schools in each of the main offices or in the Central Office (address above).
The Budget Vote/Election of Trustees is on Tuesday, May 16, 2017, in the North Shore High School Gymnasium from 7 am - 10 pm. Information regarding the school budget and voter registration can be found on the district website at
If you are a resident and would like to receive emails from the North Shore Schools, please send your email address to Superintendent Dr. Edward Melnick at [email protected] or stop into the Central Office (112 Franklin Avenue in Sea Cliff) and let us know that you would like to be included on all district emails. In addition, there is a “subscribe” button at the top of the district website at Email our trustees at [email protected].
Trustees Agreed to Keep the Budget Proposal at the Allowable NY State Tax Levy Limit
After months of reviewing the budget line items page-by-page, the North Shore Board of Education unanimously adopted the 2017-18 Budget Proposal on April 6, 2017. Earlier this year, trustees agreed not to exceed the tax levy cap. On Tuesday, May 16, 2017, the community will vote on Proposition 1, a total budget of $102,113,515 which represents a budget-to-budget increase of 2.63% from last year. This budget proposal maintains all of our academic programs as well as adds one guidance counselor position at the high school and a full time social worker at the middle school. Additionally, the Board agreed to set the tax levy at $84,488,575.
The District’s allowable tax levy limit (the amount that is collected in taxes) is down by $9,516 from the previous year’s tax levy despite an inflation factor of 1.2%. Revenues including the LIPA payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT) are estimated at $17,624,940. Revenues will be utilized to help keep the tax levy the same as last year.
Also, on the ballot will be Proposition 2 - Transportation Distance Limits. The Board of Education of the North Shore Central School District is asking permission to modify its public school transportation eligibility at the beginning of the 2017-18 for Grades 7 and 8 students only from the existing one and one half (1.5) mile limit to a new one (1) mile limit at no additional cost to the District. Grade 6 currently has a one (1) mile limit. The District must seek community approval prior to modifying its public transportation distance limit.
We encourage you to stay informed about the budget and learn the facts. Upcoming Board of Education meetings will take place in the HS Library at 7:30 pm (unless stated otherwise) on June 1 (HS Theatre), andJune 15 (HS Theatre). Voter Registration for the school budget will take place on Saturday, May 6, from 10 am - 2 pm in the Central Office, 112 Franklin Avenue, Sea Cliff. Voter Registration forms are available at our schools in each of the main offices or in the Central Office (address above).
The Budget Vote/Election of Trustees is on Tuesday, May 16, 2017, in the North Shore High School Gymnasium from 7 am - 10 pm. Information regarding the school budget and voter registration can be found on the district website at
If you are a resident and would like to receive emails from the North Shore Schools, please send your email address to Superintendent Dr. Edward Melnick at [email protected] or stop into the Central Office (112 Franklin Avenue in Sea Cliff) and let us know that you would like to be included on all district emails. In addition, there is a “subscribe” button at the top of the district website at Email our trustees at [email protected].