The Northwinds Symphonic Band, under the musical direction of Helen Bauer, in collaboration with the Village of Sea Cliff, the Sea Cliff Civic Association and the Sea Cliff Arts Council, will present a program of great American band music on Sunday June 8, 2014 at 5:00 PM. Entitled "AMERICAN PAGEANT," the concert will be performed at Clifton Park in Sea Cliff, NY. The program will include marches, Broadway and movie music, patriotic favorites, and solo features by members of the band. Glen Cove resident Robert Staade will display his extensive collection of military memorabilia dating from WWII to the present. It promises to be 60 minutes of great music and entertainment for the entire family. Admission is free. Be sure to bring your own lawn chairs or blankets. In the event of rain, the concert will take place at the North Shore High School Theater in Glen Head, NY [same date and time]. Clifton Park is located in the heart of Sea Cliff between Sea Cliff Ave and Glen Ave, west of Glen Cove Avenue. For additional information contact [email protected].